Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hello I have 2 dogs 2 cats 2 rats and 3 goldfish and I am a Texan my sky terrier is a male named Rocky my dachshund is a male named rocky my oldest house cat is female and named Stinky my youngest house cat is female and named Jaguar and both of my rats are female and named Sophia and Honey.


Saturday, February 22, 2014

how to make Olaf out of marshmallows

How to make Olaf out of marshmallows:                                                                                                 1 bag of big of marshmallows and 1 bag of little marshmallows                                                              now buy toothpicks if you don't have toothpicks                                                                                     use chocolate chips for his eyes and pretzel twigs for the arms and licorice for the hair                          and some icing (any flavor)
now get 2 toothpicks and 2 little marshmallows and stick them on the bottom of the toothpicks now get 1 big marshmallow side ways now stick it on the toothpicks now get 2 little marshmallows and stick them on the toothpicks now grab 1 big marshmallow cut off the corners and take a toothpick dip it in the icing and draw him eyes now take a chocolate chip or any thing that is food and use it for his nose take half of a piece of licorice cut it into 4 pieces use 3 of those pieces  dip them in the icing and put them on his head now take that last piece and dip it in the icing and put it on his face now take the pretzel and break it into 2 and stick them in his body.

thank you hope you have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!